Friday, December 23, 2011


Our first snow was on Nov. 7 th (my moms b-day!) - it was just a light dusting that only stayed on the hills. But it was really cold weather for the following couple of weeks and we figured we were in for a hard winter. I chose this picture because you can see my peppers and churchellas hanging in my kitchen window - you can also see the snow on the tree outside. Then after Thanksgiving we got a really good snow - it really came down hard for a long time. This is our neighbors balcony - see the snow on our internet cable wire coming from their house? I love the clothes on the line - I have racks that I set up inside my house for drying clothes.

We had heard that this was unusal weather and that it didn't get really cold till February. We thought we would just have to settle in for a long cold winter. But December has been snow and rain free. It's not 'warm' - but the sun comes out most days and it has not been to bad!

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